Your entire first section about the CCP and NWO takeover of Canada is the primary reason IMO for Trumps tariffs. He does not want a post national state sitting on his northern border especially one that is beholden to China. Your analysis is excellent and needs to be more widely publicized.

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I am sharing it. We need warriors to arise listen & vote the bastards out…if we can even get an election

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You do SUCH a good job of summarizing the bullshit being rolled out to destroy canada. It just feels unstoppable at this point. I was hopeful until the flag waving fools all fell in line AGAIN with the psyop. Ford taking bourbon off shelves…already paid for & thus not hurting even 1 America…the extent the liars will go to to keep the population stupid is so disheartening. Freezeland & her sniffing head bobbing new nuclear power alliance 🤦🏻‍♀️ how deeply stupid. Cdns clapped. Is there enough younger generation awake & able to resist, vote & demand democracy be returned?????

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Awesome article, it is so sad that Canadians are blaming Trump when they should really blame Trudeau. The liberals and NDP are litterly sleeping with the enemy. That would be China. Today came out China is ready for war with the states. That leaves us stuck in the middle.

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Your analysis of Trudeau’s threat to Canada is bang on. People’s attention is being distracted from the real threat facing the country. They are in the middle of a large-scale multidimensional psy-op.

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Such a good summary.

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