MP Kusie is in a conflict of interest being on the Board of the Trilateral Commission. She needs to be investigated.

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Oh Trudeau, we do understand what's at stake! That is why you and your Lieberals will lose by a landslide in the election. Yes, we fully understand that life in Canada under your scandal ridden, corrupt leadership has become much worse. But you and your cronies need not worry, you've lined your pockets with your ill gotten gains, namely the taxpayers money, from the fraud you have committed. May you rot in hell for the atrocities you have perpetuated upon the Canadian people.

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The problem with a Liberal loss in the East is that, unless the newly-elected MP is a CPA, the winner will vote for the Liberal Party in the House of Commons, as usual. Nothing changes except the name of the candidate and the party 's official name.

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