Honestly, this whole Pride movement is out of control! I applaud the townships that have opted for "neutrality". This Borderland Pride is akin to a group of thugs and the Human Rights Tribunal should be dissolved. Ever notice when their "inclusivity" is taken further there is always a lawyer in their group? It is extortion, pure & simple. I hope the Mayor and town of EMO take this to court and don't pay the ridiculous fines.

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So far, they’ve been publishing so many nasty moves in order to make more taxpayers hate them that I wonder if it’s the appropriate strategy to make their point. I’d keep a very low profile, and live my life freely and decently instead of becoming a too visible target in public opinion.

Here, people have chosen long ago to abolish the interference of religion in education and the public sphere because they felt that it was a personal choice that ought to be expressed at home or in places of worship. Maybe sex preferences and abroad display are to be publicly discussed too, as many parents are now fighting against imposed sexuality on their kids and STD shots (Hepatitis and HPV) on babies.

History tells us that when too many people have had enough of a situation that has become unbearable to them and rise up, any totalitarian regimes or causes à la mode can be reversed.

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Every inch ceded to these activists will be ruthlessly weaponized against anyone with the courage to dissent - damn straight, these authoritarians need to be stopped.

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Ford, consecutive, could abolish the tribunal today.. but won't.

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That Facebook “boast” is more revealing than they intend and genuinely sad

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