Noticed this morning on the CBC lying radio this year are talking a fair bit about Covid and Covid deaths and they need to get more people vaccinated goddamn clowns

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Canadian Conservative Official Leader Of The Opposition Pierre Poilievere said he would remove all WEF Young Global Leaders (YGL) who graduated Marxist indoctrination with WEF Klaus Schwab from his shadow Government. He Lied. Right from the horse's mouth.


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Wow. Canada. Where the current leader who is bent on destroying this country is going to partner with a “Federal” party whose mandate is to separate from this country. Sounds like a match made in heaven. Trudeau’s first wife Sophie, left him; then his second wife, Jagmeet left him; now he is scouring the bottom of the barrel for ex-wife number 3. It’s always the kids - US in this case - who get hurt.

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Canadian Conservative Official Leader Of The Opposition Pierre Poilievere said he would remove all WEF Young Global Leaders (YGL) who graduated Marxist indoctrination with WEF Klaus Schwab from his shadow Government. He Lied. Right from the horse's mouth.


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Would like to read about why Canada is requesting the jabs be thrown out. Anything on that?

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Hiding evidence I suspect. You? Canadian Conservative Official Leader Of The Opposition Pierre Poilievere said he would remove all WEF Young Global Leaders (YGL) who graduated Marxist indoctrination with WEF Klaus Schwab from his shadow Government. He Lied. Right from the horse's mouth.


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