Canada vs India: A Diplomatic Crisis Fuelled by Trudeau’s Incompetence
India and Pakistan are turning Canada into a proxy stage for their violent disputes. Trudeau’s failure to protect the nation has left Canadians vulnerable to foreign interference and crime.
Canada and India are in a full-blown diplomatic war, trading accusations and expelling each other’s diplomats. The situation exploded after the RCMP publicly linked Indian diplomats to drive-by shootings, home invasions, and even assassinations on Canadian soil. What was once a peaceful and stable nation has now been turned into a playground for foreign powers to conduct criminal and terrorist operations. India and Pakistan, in particular, are using Canada as a proxy for their political conflicts, dragging us into dangerous disputes that have nothing to do with Canadians.
But don’t let anyone tell you this crisis is just “geopolitical tension.” This is the direct result of Canada being led by Justin Trudeau, a man with a malicious level of incompetence. Foreign violence, political manipulation, and corruption are taking root in our own communities, and our leaders have done little to address the growing chaos.
Here’s everything you need to know about the escalating tensions between Canada and India.
Diplomatic Fallout and Criminal Operations
The collapse of relations between India and Canada started under Trudeau, who inherited a strong relationship with India from Stephen Harper. Harper’s government prioritized these ties, launching Free Trade Agreement talks in 2010 and signing a nuclear deal in 2015. However, by 2016, Trudeau’s government stalled these initiatives, frustrating both sides.
Trudeau’s 2018 visit to India was a full-on disaster. A convicted pro-Khalistan terrorist was invited to an official dinner—an incident that embarrassed Canada and enraged India. And for good reason. India has long viewed the Khalistani movement, which seeks to carve out an independent Sikh state, as a grave threat to its sovereignty. Violent insurgencies tied to this movement claimed around 20,000 lives in the 1980s and 1990s. Trudeau’s blunder not only exposed his government’s incompetence but also fuelled India’s suspicion that Canada is harbouring extremists.
Despite this embarrassment, Trudeau’s government made matters worse by later removing references to Khalistani extremism from official reports under pressure from pro-Khalistan supporters. It was a clear signal to India that Canada wasn’t taking their concerns seriously.
Things hit a boiling point in September 2023, when Trudeau accused India of orchestrating the assassination of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a leader of the Khalistani separatist movement in British Columbia. In response, Canada has now expelled six Indian diplomats, accusing them of violent criminal activities on our soil. India retaliated by expelling Canadian diplomats, turning diplomatic tension into a full-on crisis.
Nijjar’s leadership in the pro-Khalistan movement, and India’s view of him as a terrorist, is at the heart of this dispute. Canada’s explosive claim that India orchestrated his assassination triggered this international standoff. And now, as relations deteriorate further, India has withdrawn diplomats and frozen trade talks. What began as political friction has escalated into a covert conflict, with Canada serving as the battleground for foreign disputes.
How Canada Became a Proxy Battleground for India and Pakistan
Canada’s descent into becoming a proxy battleground for India and Pakistan didn’t happen overnight. It started with Trudeau’s disastrous 2018 visit, which exposed how out of control Canada’s foreign policy had become. Instead of taking a firm stance, Trudeau’s government, under pressure from domestic interest groups tied to the Sikh diaspora, began catering to pro-Khalistan forces at the expense of coherent international relations.
Pakistan, sensing an opportunity, jumped into the fray. Its intelligence services have been actively backing Khalistani extremists in Canada, not out of solidarity but as a way to destabilize India. Canada, with its weak intelligence response, has become a prime target for foreign manipulation. While our government fails to act, both India and Pakistan have embedded themselves in our political and social systems, turning our country into a stage for their regional conflict.
This level of foreign interference is a glaring failure on the part of the Canadian government. CSIS has known about Pakistan’s transnational repression operations for years, yet little has been done. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has had no problem cracking down on these networks, but Canada? We’ve done nothing. This incompetence has allowed foreign actors to exploit our national security weaknesses, and now Canada is paying the price.
Foreign Interference in Canadian Politics
It’s not just violence that foreign powers have brought to Canada. They’ve infiltrated our political system too. A 2022 CSIS report revealed that Indian proxies were providing financial support to Canadian politicians, ensuring that candidates sympathetic to India’s interests gained power. This isn’t a conspiracy theory; it’s a documented reality.
One particularly troubling example occurred during the 2022 Conservative leadership race, where Indian operatives allegedly purchased memberships for Pierre Poilievre while undermining Patrick Brown. The influence of these foreign agents is part of a broader strategy that China has been using for years—manipulating Canadian elections by propping up sympathetic candidates within diaspora communities. And now, India is doing the same.
This manipulation could become the final blow to Canada’s deteriorating democracy. Foreign powers are embedding themselves in our politics, swaying elections, and shaping policies to their benefit, while Canada’s leaders look the other way. These external forces act as gatekeepers, controlling who can run for office, all while eroding our sovereignty.
The Canadian government, meanwhile, has been paralyzed by political concerns and the fear of alienating powerful voting blocs. CSIS has been sounding the alarm for years, warning of foreign interference from both China and India. But the government’s response has been tepid at best, allowing foreign powers to continue to pull the strings in Canada’s political landscape.
Consequences for Canadians
Ordinary Canadians are the ones paying the price for this foreign interference. Assassinations, drive-by shootings, and organized crime have moved from distant geopolitical conflicts into our own neighborhoods. Our country is now a battleground for foreign powers, and Canadians are waking up to the grim reality that their government has let this happen.
But the damage goes beyond physical violence. Foreign governments are corrupting our political system, funding politicians, and shaping our elections. This isn’t democracy anymore. Our leaders aren’t representing Canadians; they’re representing the interests of foreign powers.
The Canadian government’s inaction has compromised our safety and damaged our international reputation. Once known as a stronghold of diplomacy, Canada is now seen as a weak link in the global fight against transnational crime. Canadians are caught in the crossfire, and unless the government starts defending the interests of its own citizens, things are only going to get worse.