Canada is Headed Towards Mass Poverty and Economic Collapse
The government keeps lying, and you keep paying the price. Your future is being stolen while you're told to be grateful for 'free' handouts.
Canadians, please give me a few moments of your valuable time to understand why our country is headed towards poverty and economic collapse if we don’t change course.
The Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) estimates that from now until 2029, our government will spend $214 billion more than it brings in. Imagine the State racking up $214 billion on a credit card, and we're the ones stuck paying the bill. This year alone, there's a projected deficit of $46 billion—that's $6 billion more than what Trudeau promised just a few months ago.
Let's get one thing clear: Trudeau has racked up more debt than every Canadian prime minister before him combined. Think about that. For a government that loves to preach about "sustainability," their spending habits are anything but sustainable. There's a dangerous delusion in this country that anything the government gives you is "free." But it's not. It comes straight out of your future paycheck—with interest.
The average Canadian family now pays more in taxes than they do on food, housing, and clothing combined. Let that sink in: 43% of your earnings are taken by the government, which means that from January 1st to June 5th, you are effectively working to fund the government. And 11 cents of every tax dollar goes just to paying interest on the debt the government has already racked up—that's 5% of your hard-earned income going towards nothing but interest payments.
Justin Trudeau once famously said he doesn't think about monetary policy, and that "the budget will balance itself." This is pure delusion. It's time we stop taking economic advice from a man who claims to be "numerically dyslexic" and instead listen to real economic thinkers—people like Milton Friedman who understood the dangers of unchecked government spending.
Some Canadians might think, "I don't mind paying more taxes if it means progress." But what does that even mean? When you look at the corruption in Canada, it's clear that this line of thinking is deeply flawed. Recently, it came to light that $330 million from the Sustainable Technology Development Fund ended up in the pockets of corporations close to the Liberal Party. That's one-third of the fund's entire budget, stolen from taxpayers. If we use this as a benchmark, it means that 15% of the average Canadian family's income is being siphoned directly into the bank accounts of the government's friends.
Between the theft and interest payments, that means 20% of the average Canadian family's earnings vanish without providing any real benefit. The solution to this problem is simple: stop all unnecessary spending immediately and put a long-term plan in place to pay down the debt. If we keep spending more than we bring in, bankruptcy is inevitable. If you think the cost-of-living crisis is bad now, just wait until hyperinflation hits and money becomes worthless. This isn't a hypothetical. It's happened before—in Ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire, and in Weimar Germany to just name a few. The story is always the same: reckless government spending leads to oppressive taxes and worthless currency.
Every time the government dangles a "free" social program in front of you, remember that it's not free. They're stealing your hard earned dollars, giving you back pennies, and expecting your gratitude in return. It's time we put an end to this madness.